
Audrey's Blog

The Universe resonates with your vibrating frequency.
If you vibrate at the frequency of guilt, shame, blame and judgement, you are acting and reacting out of fear and lack; so, you attract more of that in your life. Remember you are the U in Universe and the Universe provides you with more of whatever YOU are vibrating as.
If you set your intention on the highest thought for yourself and others each day; Example, on Enlightenment, the Universe provides more of That Resonance. I AM THAT. And It will present opportunities for you to raise your vibration and bring in more of the ingredients you will require for enlightenment.
You will attract teachers who become mirrors to help you and reflect where you are in your progress, and reflect what is for YOU to transform from the darkness of fear to a shining LIGHT.
Never judge the Reflection you see in the Mirror. It is part of what you karmically contracted for; to See where you are stuck on your Mission of Enlightenment. "Stuff" like disturbing reactions to the reflection in the Mirror will reveal. They will show up as dodgy feeling reflections if they require changes for your Frequency. Keep Counsel with yourself. People are People and People are balancing their own inharmonious frequencies for whatever their Mission is. Like jealousy? Spiritual competitiveness? Yes! May I suggest often in the Spiritual "Family", in Blood Families, of course the Work Place, etc. Stay true to YOU and your Mission; even if you get kiked out, LOL. They might call it "not being Dependable". That was my experience and I know that was their Reflection as well as my own. We are always both the Mirror and the reflection.
Enlightenment is not about hard practices. It's about quiet awareness, simplicity, and humility; not grandiosity and approval. It's not about austerity, that belongs in the Patriarchal Paradigm. We are leaving that behind.

It's Simple. I didn't say Easy!

Trust in Life, Restore, Recover, Integrate your Lost, Hidden Rejected, Blamed, Judged childhood self and trust in your whole being self. Set a clear intention to Be free of worry and anger and instead Be in gratitude for life in the here and now. Be honest in your Relationships, Respect Others as you'd want to be respected. Be kind to everyone. The Universe will match your Frequency of loving kindness & peaceful mind and match your energy frequency for the highest best in all your undertakings.
If your mission is self-actualization, self-realization, self-awareness, you will understand that the effects of raising your frequency to match Oneness in the Great Universe will be a bit like cleaning out a soot blocked stagnant fireplace so you can have a bright, glorious fire burning in your home. In the process of preparing the Chimney the encrusted soot will dislodge and spill about, creating a need to carefully restore the environment.
Similarly, you will be beckoned by your Great Inner Spirit-Healer, your Innate Reiki Spirit, to heal your past reactive woundings. Partner your Intuitive-Mind with your Innate Spirit of Reiki to transform the reactive fears that block the transformative flow of energy that raises your vibration. Your Critical-Mind will throw up old outdated "lies" to think you're just "not good enough" or whatever stuck vibration is blocking your LIGHT and you will vibrate as flowing energy as your Intention for Enlightenment becomes stronger than your dis-eased outdated thinking and your frequency is closer to your real-ization of Be-ing enlightened. Plus old, outdated, no longer useful karmas and traumas, that may even have served you in the past, are no longer serving any good purpose in this raised vibration of freedom will resurface as an opportunity to release them.

Raise your vibration by setting your clarity of intention on peace, love, harmony and the Universe will resonate with you as That.
As you affirm a firm intention to Live in Peace, in unconditional love and harmony, your raised vibration will also influence those around you.